Wednesday, January 26, 2011

PACE members demand new election in Belarus

The demand to conduct a new presidential election in Belarus has been included into the agenda of the PACE session. Pieter Omtzigt, a Dutch PACE member of the Christian Democracy, has informed Euroradio about this. The 20 signatures necessary for this have already been collected.

Street actions forbidden in Egypt, Internet is blocked (photo+video)

About 100 thousand people have come out to the streets in the country. The demonstrations have been dispersed by gas and water cannons.

Kozulin: EU, Russia may begin consultations on Belarus

The representatives of the Belarusian opposition have met with Dutch Foreign Minister Uri Rosenthal who says that EU foreing ministers will take every effort to give concrete substance to the European Parliament's resolution.

Enough crude for one week at Belarus refineries -- expert

Russian oil company Transneft is prepared to resume at any moment pumping crude to Belarus, but the deal is yet to be signed.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Колькасць ахвяраў тэракту ў "Дамадзедаве" — ужо 19 чалавек domodedovo →
Томас Меліа сустрэўся з праваабаронцамі electby →
Беларусь не прызнае Паўднёвую Асецію і Абхазію! electby →
ЗША выдзелілі Беларусі ў 2010 годзе 15 млн долараў у выглядзе дапамогi →

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Europarliament are wearing our scarfs! :)

You can see things like this not so often. Europarliament accepted gifts: white-red-white scarfs (colors of national flag) as a symbol of Belarusian liberty!

еўрапарламент бчб сцяг беларусь 

Еўрапарламент у бел-чырвона-белых шаліках! :)

Мы сачылі за ходам паседжання, а напрыканцы не змаглі не "сфотаць" для вас тое, што мы бачылі на экране ;)

еўрапарламент бчб сцяг беларусь 

Europarliament Meeting on Belarus LIVE!

Is avaliable here, different languages, but mostly in English. Join!