Thursday, July 29, 2010

Nemtsov: Despite being used, we will not unite with Lukashenka

In respond to the use of the Russian opposition by the Belarusian media in an 'information war' with Russia, Boris Nemtsov called out: "Long Live Belarus!", while :yudmila Alexeyeva described the actions of the Belarusian television as disgusting.

The Belarusian side a new weapon for an information warfare with Russia. First, the Belausian state television aired interviews with the leaders of Georgia and Latvia who have sour relations with the Kremlin. Now, the official propaganda turned to the Russian opposition for help.

Expert: Lukashenka to visit Moscow within two weeks

Alexander Lukashenka is to visit Moscow within the next two or three weeks in order to sort out all the problems that led to an 'information war' between Belarus and Russia.

This view was shared in an interview with Euroradio by Andrei Fyodorov, former Russian deputy foreign minister and currently the director of the Moscow-based think tank Consulting.


Will presidential elections be held on December 12?

Lukashenka has appointed a special meeting of the House of Representatives for September 7. The elections date will probably be appointed there.

Uladzimir Zdanovich, a deputy, has informed ERB that parliamentarians will gather to discuss the issues on the agenda drawn up on June 30. It is reported that the budget law, changes in the Tax and Budget Codes and others things will be discussed.


Paul the octopus refuses to predict result of Belarusian presidential elections

The administration of the oceanarium in Oberhausen, the place where Paul lives, does not want the famous “oracle” to get into politics.

After the World Football Cup that made the octopus oracle Paul so famous, ERB decided to ask the forecaster to predict the result of the presidential election in Belarus. However, he did not want to tell us the name of the future Belarusian leader. The administration of the oceanarium in Oberhausen had taken the decision for him, said the staff deputy Anna Potman to ERB.


Has Cross Father made Belarus opposition and Kremlin closer?

Politicians Zyanon Paznyak, Yaraslau Ramanchuk, Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu, Viktar Karnyaenka and Alyaksandr Kazulin tell Euroradio how their attitudes to Russia and its policy towards Belarus have changed after the beginning of the 'information war'.

The veteran of the Belarusian politics, Zyanon Paznyak, admits that his attitude towards the Kremlin and Russia has never changed. He treats them as enemies of the independent Belarus.

Charnihau authorities disrupt Be Free festival

The festival will not be held on August 21 and 22, however, it is still not clear whether Be Free will be postponed, held in some other city or cancelled this year.

The city administration of Charnihau, where it had been planned to organize the fourth festival Be Free at the end of August, has not allowed to do it. The organizer of the festival Vital Supranovich has informed ERB about it.


Belarus may lose 2.5 percent of GDP due to higher gas costs

Utility bills may become more expensive by 1500 rubels. Euroradio explores what is likely to change if Belarus is to buy natural gas from Russia at $250 for 1000 cubic meters next year.

In 2011, Belarus is likely to pay $250 for Russian natural gas, according to the statement of the Russian side a month ago. Currently, we pay $184 per 1000 cubic meters of natural gas. If Russia raises the cost, Belarus will have to pay by 40 percent more next year. Who will be affected by the higher prices the most? Euroradio has tried to find out.

Entrants know English better than Belarusian and Russian

Some entrants threw dice to answer questions during the centralized tests and some people used bad language in their papers.

Entrants showed worse results this year in comparison with the last year. The best average grades were registered English – 38, former schoolchildren and pupils from grammar schools and lyceums scored more than 35 grades in geography, history and social science. The average grade in Belarusian and Russian was 31.


Surrogate mothers tend to avoid taxes

The demand for their services keeps increasing every year and the fees reach 11 thousand dollars.

More than 30 Belarusians have become parents with the help of surrogate mothers since 2006. For some of them it was an opportunity to become happy parents and for others - a profitable business.