Monday, December 27, 2010

Экс-старшыню БХК Тацяну Процьку выклікалі ў КДБ і дагэтуль ніякіх звестак :-/ electby

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Заўтра ля будынка КДБ (Камсамольская, 30) у Мінску збяруцца людзі, салідарныя з Вольгай Някляевай: у 9:15 яна нясе скаргу. electby

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Вынеслі каля 50 адзінак тэхнікі electby

SOS: Euroradio office in Minsk is searched (UPDATED)


In this moment Euroradio's office is being searched by Belarusian police, with confiscation of the equipment.

Deputy editor-in-chief Vital Zybluk was given an unsigned copy of protocol of the search and confiscation. 

Around 17:30 Belarusian time Euroradio got a message on web page comments "Is it true that there is a search in your office?" When Vital Zybluk reached the office, he met people who were carrying out the equipment of the radio. He received from them the copy of the protocol where nothing can be clearly read. The witness was the engineer of the Chief Department of Administration of the president, to which the building belongs. 

Vital Zybluk: "The office looks like the tornado was here!"


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Monday, December 20, 2010

Масква прызнала вынікі нашых выбараў electby

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Акуратна сачыце за тым, куды вас перанакіроўвае браўзэр, калі сёрфаеце па незалежных сайтах. З'явіліся клоны сайтаў з даменам .in electby
Мы прынялі рашэнне адключыць часова новы сайт і кінуць усе сілы на і постынг у сацыяльных сетках electby
Цэнтрвыбаркам заявіў, што выбары адбыліся electby

Saturday, December 18, 2010

У нас новы сайт, ужо можна ціхенька зацаніць да вялікага запуска ;) belarus

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ахаха :) Псіхіятр з Навінак распавядае, ці можна звар'яцець ад перадвыбарнага тэлеэфіру! electby

Monday, December 13, 2010

Youth stage picket in front of Minsk City Hall on Human Rights Day

Youngsters demand freedom of assembly on Human Rights Day in Minsk.

Activists of Citizen campaign have mounted the so called "wall of shame" in front of Minsk City Hall building, with the copies of their applications for mass actions. The Minsk authorities rejected all of them.

Read more:

A day with a candidate: Mikalaj Statkevich

Mikalaj Statkevich has only had a cup of coffee and tea for the whole day, and confessed when he had a wish to have some vodka... We've found Leps' and Nyaklyaeu's CDs in the sundry box of his car... The European Radio for Belarus has met with Mikalaj Statkevich in the morning on December 10 to see how the presidential candidate spends his day.

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Friday, December 3, 2010

Maxim Bahdanovich's "Pahonia" sang by people of whole world (VIDEO)

Young people from more than 20 countries of the world sang this song in Belarusian during the youth meeting "OIYP Kaleidoscope" in India.

It was Maxim Bahdanovich's birthday a couple of days ago. Today the USA, South Africa, Laos, India, Turkmenistan, Lebanon, Solomon Islands, Cambogia, Toga, Palestine, Egypt, Indonesia, Australia, Zimbabwe, Philippines and other countries sing together for Belarus!

Ales Mihalevich: Life will change for the worse, no matter who becomes President (video)

Ales Mihalevich predicted that reforms and an increase in crime were unavoidable, explained why budget workers were unlikely to get an increase in salaries and suggested his own solution to the housing problem in the new project of the European Radio for Belarus “Candidate to Studio!”.

Read more:

Maxim Bahdanovich's "Pahonia" sang by people of whole world (VIDEO)

Young people from more than 20 countries of the world sang this song in Belarusian during the youth meeting "OIYP Kaleidoscope" in India.

It was Maxim Bahdanovich's birthday a couple of days ago. Today the USA, South Africa, Laos, India, Turkmenistan, Lebanon, Solomon Islands, Cambogia, Toga, Palestine, Egypt, Indonesia, Australia, Zimbabwe, Philippines and other countries sing together for Belarus!

Listen and watch: